

Kuk je najvišja gora v pogorju Kolovrata. Posebnost vzletišča je, da nam za razliko od ostalih vzletišč, kjer lahko vzletamo le ob južnih vetrovih, Kuk ponuja tudi možnost vzletanja ob severnih vetrovih. Nahaja se v neposredni bližini slovensko-italijanske meje.

Občutke, ko občudujete mogočni Krn in amfiteater sosednjih gora, v kotu očesa pa se blešči Jadransko morje, je z besedami težko opisati. Ob lepem vremenu lahko poleg krna in Jadranskega morja vidimo še Furlanijo, Benečijo, Karnijske Alpe, Dolomite, ter Julijske Alpe.

Pristajamo v Kobaridu poleg Petrola ali v Ladri. Odvisno od vremenskih pogojev.

Na Kuku in pogorju Kolovrata je med prvo svetovno vojno potekala tretja obrambna črta italijanske vojske. Danes je na tem mestu muzej na prostem. Obnovljena so bila poveljniška in opazovalna mesta, mitralješki in topniški položaji, kaverne in mreža strelskih jarkov. Kolovrat je za pohodnike zanimiv, ker je del znane Poti miru, ki poteka od Alp do Jadrana. Priljubljen je tudi pri cestnih kolesarjih. Večji del ceste, ki nas vodi do vzletišča so leta 2022 uporabili za etapo kolesarske dirke Giro d’Italia.

Selfie stick perspektiva:

Kaj o nas pravijo potniki:

Tina Cujec
Tina Cujec
20 November 2023
The craziest experience!! Definitely recommend to do it when in Bovec!
Martin Srebrnič
Martin Srebrnič
28 October 2023
Neverjetna izkušnja!!! Občutek varnosti in prijazen, kompetenten pilot!!! Še bom prišel!!!
colleen b
colleen b
7 October 2023
Paragliding for my first time and it was even more of a thrill that I had imagined! Martin was very safety conscious, considerate of my comfort, and professional. The flight was so easy to do, from take off to landing, even this 65 year old Canadian woman managed! Thank you, Martin, for such a wonderful experience in Slovenia
Ricarda Spartmann
Ricarda Spartmann
22 September 2023
Amazing experience with our pilots Martin and Robert! They literally went above and beyond! Would always book with Flying Bear again. Super chill and easy while making sure everything's safe as well 🙂
Veronika Benešová
Veronika Benešová
22 September 2023
Martin is such a sweetheart 💙 I came to the office and in 20min we were going to the cabin. He is so calm and you really feel safe 😊 Takeoff was easy (thanks to him - not me 😅). He made it from 1600m to almost 2100m! Wonderfull flight. We were in the cloud also! We spend 45min in the air and as a bonus for the end he made some spirals 😜 loved it!! Thanks and will come back! 💙
Kiara Loucks
Kiara Loucks
11 September 2023
My husband and I had the chance to go paragliding with Martin and Robert this past week in Bovec! It was one of the most amazing experiences we've had yet. Both Martin and Robert were organized, prepared, kind, and extremely communicative when it came to what we should expect. The views of the valley and surrounding mountains was one to rival. I would absolutely recommend flying with them! You won't regret it!
Carina Pets
Carina Pets
10 September 2023
Meine Schwester und ich hatten einen super tollen Flug mit Martin und Robert. Es war ein Abenteuer und ein sehr aufregendes Erlebnis. Wir haben uns jederzeit sicher und gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Es wurde uns alles verständlich erklärt, auch während des Fluges. Jeder der Slowenien mal entspannt von oben sehen will und die grandiose Aussicht genießen möchte, ist bei den beiden genau richtig aufgehoben. Wir würden es jederzeit wieder machen! Danke für die tolle Zeit in der Luft! Carina und Inga
8 September 2023
Ich hatte einen atemberaubenden Flug mit Martin. Super zuvorkommend, ich hatte jederzeit ein sicheres Gefühl. Ich würde es jedem weiterempfehlen!
Ella Rose
Ella Rose
8 September 2023
It was mine and my boyfriends first ever time paragliding and Martin and Robert were the perfect people for us to fly with. We felt so comfortable, safe, reassured and had such a wonderful time. I can’t recommend them enough for their friendly and professional service. It was a joy to fly over the mountains and even do some tricks at the end. Thank you thank you! If we visit again we will for sure be back 💕
Noortje Stoffels
Noortje Stoffels
6 September 2023
The tandem paragliding instructors were very nice and they made us feel a 100% safe! The views were insanely beautiful! The overalls experience was amazing and we would definitely do it again!